I’m making progress on my new WordPress site. You can see earlier posts in the series here, here & here. One problem I’m continuing to tackle is getting all the ActivityPub & IndieWeb & WordPress bits talking. I found that one needs to remove author profiles from caching.

I received this error:

Your author URL {…} does not return valid JSON for application/activity+json. Please check if your hosting supports alternate Accept headers.

I found a support page that hinted at the answer: Author page json not in expected place | WordPress.org Here is how I interpreted the post into a solution.

In one’s WordPress admin console, go to SettingsWP Super Cache. Under Advanced, scroll down to the Accepted Filenames & Rejected URIs section. Select Author Pages (is_author) and click the Save Settings button.

Then, in one’s Cloudflare admin console, go to your domain’s settings. Under CachingCache Rules, create a rule with a Custom filter expression:

URI Full
https://example.com/author/* (change example.com to your domain)

The Expression Preview should look like (http.request.full_uri wildcard "https://plrj.org/author/*") 👈 that is my actual entry.

Then, under Cache eligibility, select Bypass cache. Leave all the other settings alone. Click Save.

Back in one’s WordPress admin console, go to ToolsSite Health. The Your author URL {…} does not return valid JSON for application/activity+json. Please check if your hosting supports alternate Accept headers. error should be gone.

Now I’m on to fixing Bridgy Fed’s error 403.